Kotlin and Java difference


  • No need of findViewByIds: It is used to find the first descendant view with the given ID.

    TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
    text.setText("Hello World");

    textView.setText("Hello World")

  • Free from Null Pointer Exception
    NullPointerExceptions are a tremendous source of disappointment for Java designers. In Kotlin, all sorts are non-nullable (incapable to hold null value) by default. If the code tries to use or return null in Kotlin, compile time error is shown.
    var a: String = "abc"
    // compilation error
    a = null
  • Here, are differences between Kotlin vs Java

    Kotlin allows users to create an extension function.Java doesn't offer any extension functions.
    Kotlin doesn't require too much work for data classes.Java developers write and construct a lot of elements to develop classes
    Kotlin doesn't offer implicit conversions.Java supports implicit conversions.
    There are no null variables or objects in Kotlin.Null variable or objects are part of Java language.
    Kotlin combines features of both object-oriented and functional programming.Java is limited to object-oriented programming.
    Kotlin doesn't support static members.Java uses static members.
    Variables of a primitive type are objectsVariables of a primitive type aren't objects
    In Kotlin, we can have one or more secondary constructors.In Java, we can't have secondary constructors. However, it can have multiple constructors.
    Kotlin string template also supports expression.Java string doesn't support expression like Kotlin.
    It's quite easier to deploy Kotlin code.It is hard to deploy Java code.
    Kotlin programs don't require semicolons in their program.Java program does need a semicolon.
    In Kotlin, coroutine are concurrency design pattern which can be used to simplify code.Java uses two coroutine options as 1) Rx Java and 2) Project loom.
    Kotlin doesn't have any wildcard-types.Wide-card is available in Java.
    Kotlin's type of system has inbuilt null safety.NullPonter Exception is mainly responsible for the development of Java and Android.
    Smart cast feature is available in Kotlin.Smart cast feature in not available in Java.
    Kotlin doesn't require any variable datatype specificationsJava requires variable datatype specifications.
    Kotlin supports Lambda Expression.Java doesn't support Lambda expression.
    Lazy-Loading feature is available in Kotlin.This feature is not available in Java.
    Language scripting capabilities allow you to use Kotlin directly in your Gradle build scriptsJava does not offer language scripting capabilities.
    It supports modern programming concepts like delegates, extension, higher-order functions.Java supports OOPS programming concept.

    Advantage of Kotlin

    Here, are benefits/pros of Kotlin:

    • Using the Kotlin Multiplatform framework, you can extract one common codebase that will target all of them at the same time
    • Kotlin offers built-in null safety support, which is a lifesaver, especially on Android, which is full of old Java-style APIs.
    • It's more concise and expressive than Java, which means there is less room for error.
    • Offers user-friendly and understandable coding norms
    • Divides large apps into smaller layers.
    • Uses lots of function types and specialized language structures like lambda expressions.
    • Helps developers to create extension functions
    • Offers a very simple and almost automated way of creating data classes
    • Kotlin is a statically-typed language, so it is very easy to read and write.
    • This language allows the exchange and use of information from Java in various ways.
    • It'll take less time to write new code in Kotlin.
    • It's quite easier to deploy kotlin code and to maintain it at scale.

    Advantages of Java

    Here, are pros/benefits of Java

    • Checked exceptions that improve error detecting and solving
    • Detailed documentation is available.
    • A large pool of skilled developers available
    • A huge array of 3rd party libraries
    • It allows you to form standard programs and reusable code.
    • It is a multi-threaded environment that allows you to perform many tasks simultaneously in a program.
    • Excellent performance
    • Easy to navigate libraries

    Disadvantage of Kotlin

    Here, are cons/drawback of using Kotlin:

    • Small community of developers, so it lacks learning materials and professional assistance.
    • Java doesn't offer a function of checked exceptions that may lead to errors.
    • Slower compilation speed than Java
    • Kotlin, being a highly declarative language, sometimes it helps you to generate great amounts of boilerplate in corresponding JVM bytecode

    Disadvantages of Java

    Here, are cons/disadvantages of Java:

    • Not very suitable for Android API design because of a number of limitations
    • Demands a lot of manual work which increases the number of potential errors
    • JIT compiler makes the program comparatively slow.
    • Java has high memory and processing requirements.
    • It does not provide support for low-level programming constructs like pointers.
    • You don't have any control over garbage collection as Java does not offer functions like delete(), free().
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